Designing houses, urban areas and landscapes reveals to us the creative and exciting power of the human spirit. First there is nothing, then from the haze the assignment, the first ideas, reflections, sketches and plans start to appear and as a result there is the transformation of the real material world, which we can touch and feel. The adventure and complexity of the creative process, the constant discovery of new contexts and the search for the meaning of things is what attracts and unites us so much in architecture. That is why we are willing to sacrifice our own comfort and enthusiastically embark on challenging tasks. Their solution is fulfilling for us. Our goal is to contribute to the real form of the physical environment so that people may make it a good place for living. Respect for nature and reflection on human destiny leads us to revising a number of experienced clichés, because we are fully aware of the fragility of our being. At the same time, we maintain respect for the knowledge and craftsmanship of our ancestors' buildings and build on them.
The focus of our interest is space and its quality that is given by proportions, light, materials, interrelationships and the created atmosphere. That is why we pay so much attention to urbanism and the broader context of human settlement. We always perceive an individual building as a part of a wider whole, whether it is a city or an open landscape. We always build on the knowledge of the place where we insert new layers. Understanding the place becomes a prerequisite for a successful outcome hand in hand with building new values and meanings. We are interested in harmony; in blending the old with the new.
We look for the same connections and principles in the combination of reason and emotion. We strive for technical accuracy, functionality and efficiency in conjunction with beauty so that the architecture creates an appropriate atmosphere. The scientific rigor of specializations of technical professions get into a direct relationship with emotions, impressions and moods, which have an innumerable, but nevertheless fundamental influence on the perception of the environment, in which we live. We balance the analysis of facts with moods and feelings in search of the beauty of shapes, the effect of light, materials and their surfaces.
We perceive our role in contemporary interconnected society in the position of director of events. Not only on the part of the investor, the construction contractor, the state administration together with the local municipality, but also on the side of the project preparation, it is not possible nowadays to function without larger teams. Even smaller projects mean the involvement of many different parties and views. Mutual comprehension and understanding of the opinion of others, together with our own firm and principled attitudes, is a prerequisite for an anticipated result. We thus become guides for our clients through a complex preparation process, in which we listen carefully to their needs and at the same time perceive our social responsibility. We build our practice on mutual trust and creation of values.
December 18, 2020
Pavel Hnilička