January 2021
The brand of Pavel Hnilička’s architectural office had a clear development. At first, the new logo was created for the company´s name change. The office wanted it to be more obvious from the name of the company that they deal not only with architecture but also with urban planning. The name therefore fell to Pavel Hnilička Architects + Planners. The way of working on the creation of the logo was very analogous, we worked with four types of fonts, which in the drawing are based on the Helvetica font, ie according to Solper’s classification it is a linear sans-serif static font, neogrotesque. Adepts to choose from were, for example, New Rail Aplhabet, Neue Haas Unica, Favorit Pro, Everett and finally Suisse Int’l, which turned out to be the winning font. The brand and the proposed abbreviation are designed for the axis. It is the axially built brand of the whole name that looks good on the web and printed materials, the abbreviation PHAP is then applied on social networks or in the favicon. The newly created corporate is largely created using a single typeface, except for the internal corporate printed documents used by the office, where the Bold typeface appears. The website uses a completely single cut of the Book. We solved the differentiation by using the size of capital letters and adding color gray. The minimalist website serves as a visual medium for the presentation of works, at the same time, thanks to the theoretical focus of the studio, emphasis is placed on authorial texts, publications or interviews. The design is in the background, the work of the studio comes to the front.
Klára Kvízová, ReDesign, 2020