August 2022
We are very pleased to announce another victory of our proposal – this time for the revitalization of the area around the railway station in Prague’s Uhříněves!
The results of the competition have just been announced by MČ Praha 22.
And what were the reasons behind the jury´s decision?
The railway track divides the city into two parts – the northern part with the historic core and Nové náměstí and the southern part with developing residential construction. Both sides of the proposal seamlessly connect and connect existing and new landscape or urban spaces. The railway barrier is overcome by the existing underpass, through which we enter the new Za tratí square. The railway will be newly bridged by a bridge for pedestrians and cyclists, which will connect both parts in a new perspective.
We suggest cleaning the ground floor of the station from inappropriate barriers. We let the space between the buildings flow and enable clear movement of pedestrians and cyclists. The transition from public transport to the train is supported by the opening of platform windows. We preserve the existing mature trees and supplement them with new ones.
New small buildings bring missing services and necessary functions – refreshments, facilities for drivers, stops with waiting rooms and toilets, cycloboxes. The designed objects offer a covered space for rest, meetings or bicycle storage.
We will soon present the proposal in more detail on our website.