Ing. arch., Dipl. NDS ETHZ in Architektur
Authorization number: 03126
Born in 1975 in Prague. Studied at the Faculty of Architecture, CTU Prague under Prof. Lábus and Prof. Šrámková and at ETH Zürich under Prof. Eberle. After attending internships in two studios he has founded his own atelier Pavel Hnilička Architects + Planners in 2003.
He focuses mainly on the design and implementation of buildings, territorial and regulatory plans for cities and municipalities.
A key subject of his interest is the relation between theory and practice in architectural design. He is the author of many books such as “Sídelní kaše – Otázky k suburbánní výstavbě rodinných domů“ (2005, 2012), “Ročenka České architektury 2009-2010”, he has co-authored “Sub Urbs: krajina, sídla a lidé” (2013), “Hustota a ekonomika měst” (2018) and he has written numerous articles on urbanism and architecture. He promotes urbanism in lectures, conferences and seminars. Pavel Hnilička has also received The Grand Prix award in the category of new building.
Between 2007-2010 he was teaching at the Faculty of Architecture, CTU Prague at the institute of urbanism. Between 2012-2014 he lead the preparation of new Prague building regulations at The Institute of Planning and Development of Prague, later awarded by The Czech Architecture Award for outstanding contribution to the field. He also was a vice chairman of The Czech Chamber of Architects between 2014 – 2018.